Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy 21st Birthday! he can't start drinking yet. But Miles turns 21 days old today, so let's look at some numbers in his life:

12: since he was born right before bowl season and the NFL playoffs, this is how many football games Miles has watched with his dad so far. That works out to over 4000 by the time he's actually 21 years old. Hmm...I think we might have to slow down the pace of this. After this weekend of course.
250: at 12 per day, the approximate number of diapers he's gone through. Oops, as I type this I think we might have to up that number to 251.
168: at 8 per day, the number of feedings. Breaking this down, I think grandparents/aunts have been responsible for 20 of these feedings (with a bottle of formula) and Rosy has taken care of 147 more (which she can't enough credit for). I think I've done one and I ended up spilling the bottle all over him, so not sure if that counts.
0: number of 90210 episodes Miles has made it through without bawling hysterically or going to the bathroom.
4-5: hours of uninterrupted sleep which he can get on a good night, a pretty impressive performance for the little guy. Keep up the good work!
57: number of times his dad has told people "look at that head of hair" as I beam proudly.

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