Friday, December 25, 2009

Welcome Miles

Miles Leo Cohen was born today, Christmas 2009, at 12:07 PM. He clocks in at 20.75 inches and 7 lbs, 12 oz. Rosy woke up this morning with some mild contractions that quickly turned sharp and we headed to the hospital around 6am. After a smooth process for 5-6 hours, we had a fairly dramatic birth that involved an emergency c-section and Miles entering the world quicker than we imagined, but very healthy (and Rosy is quickly recovering). He has his mother's good looks but his dad's full head of hair. Here he is with Aunt Van and Grandma Dao, we can't wait for all the adventures that await him. While today is Miles's special day, Rosy deserves all of our love for what she went through to bring him into this world. Miles is lucky to have such a wonderful mother!


  1. All came out well in end. I recall Ruth (and Sarah) at least waiting until 49ers beat Bengals in Super Bowl in 1982 before contractions started. Hour 18, Ruth screams: "Enough with the lamaze breathing, Jerry...get me drugs!" Hour 20: starting to show fetal distress, C-Time! As Dr. Su (our OBY guy) hands Sarah off to me to do Laboye/water bath & bond he says: "Sorry for banana head"! Having banged in to birth canal for a while, Sarah's head was slighly elongated. Explains a lot!
