Monday, October 31, 2011

Fall Fun

It's been a while since I checked in. It's been a great fall so far, and not just because the Packers and Stanford are undefeated (knock on wood). We had a fun road trip in September down to LA for Uncle Thai and (new) Aunt Sarah's wedding, I started a new Friday program at the local temple (nope, I didn't fast on Yom Kippur), I've been bonding a lot with my aunts while mommy and daddy took some trips, I went to my first football game, and of course, Halloween happened! And oh yeah, I've been a great older brother as Sawyer is getting bigger and more fun to play with.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Summer of Sawyer

What a great summer it's been so far since my little brother entered the world! Mommy's been home more often, I'm finally the big man on campus, and I've done so many fun activities. Music class, gym time, afternoons at the park, the beach, time with my cousins, play-dates, and time at the library have kept me super busy. Here are some pictures of us in the greatest summer ever!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sawyer's First Couple Weeks

While Sawyer is too little to play with, I've welcomed his arrival because it means grandparents come to visit! Daddy's parents came for a week (including a father's day celebration) and even stayed a little longer because they fell for my devious plan of faking being sick to delay their flight! Now mommy's parents are here and we're having a blast. And Sawyer is doing quite well, he's already half a pound above his birth weight thanks to mommy's tireless efforts at feeding him and he's quite the relaxed newborn. I'm even letting him share mommy...for now.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Baby Brother!

It's been a wild spring as I continue to grow and it's been hectic with a pregnant mom and whiny dad. The big day finally arrived yesterday as mom went into the hospital and around an hour later baby Sawyer Liev arrived to the world. 7 lbs 4 ozs (a little smaller than I was), 21 inches (a little longer), and a full head of hair. So far being a big brother is a blast and here are some pictures from the last couple days.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Super Baby

OK, it's been like four months. But in honor of President's Day (since Miles is going to be president one day), we tracked Miles down for an exclusive interview for a new blog post. Here's what happened:

Blog: What you been up to since October, Miles?
Miles: Let's see...I learned how to walk, celebrated Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Christmas, I turned 1, I travelled to Arizona and LA, I learned how to crawl up stairs, I started yelling out a few words, I eat pretty much everything but peanuts, I've really started reading more, I'm tipping the scales at nearly 30 lbs, and I started a gym and music class. Other than that, not too much...I guess not enough for dad to blog about.
Blog: Well I heard your dad kept getting sick.
Miles: That's funny, that didn't stop him from flying across the country on three separate occasions to watch a football game.
Blog: Fair what's on tap for 2011?
Miles: Continuing to master walking, expand my vocabulary past "mommy", "daddy", and "grunt", learning other parts of my body other than just tapping my head and tummy all the time, keep doing my gym and music classes with the library, and of course, welcoming my baby brother into the family in mid-June.
Blog: That's right, you're going to be a big brother. Are you excited?
Miles: You bet. I can't wait for an exhausted daddy to feed me a "dinner" of cookies and ice cream in June. My only request is that my baby brother is as cute as me.
Blog: Well that might be tough but we'll see. Why don't you tell us about some of the pictures we're posting here.
Miles: OK...let me search my memory here. Kind of tough since like a third of my life has gone by but starting from the bottom we have pictures of me just pushing my walker as I learned to walk, me pigging out on my first cupcake at my birthday party, me riding my new dinosaur gift, me with all my cousins on dad's side (Tate, Caleb, Eli, and Laila) with grandma and grandpa Cohen in Arizona, me and cousin Nicholas in our new favorite play areas (we empty out our toys and hide in the boxes), and finally me, Tate, Nicholas, Lukas, and Caleb watching the Super Bowl while daddy spent my college fund at the game. And oh and mommy!!