Sunday, January 31, 2010

Crissy Field Run

Every Saturday morning I try and go running at Crissy Field with my friend Jad. With him out of town this weekend I enlisted some new running mates...Miles, Rosy, and Grandma Dao. It was a beautiful morning and Miles enjoyed the sea air. Of course, it was a little embarrassing when I was running as fast as I could and Rosy was casually passing me while pushing a stroller and Miles laughed at me.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Going Strong at One Month

Sorry for the lack of posts, been a busy week. And life is great with Miles, as he surpassed his one month birthday with a day of smiles, sleeping, pooping, eating, more pooping, and more sleeping. His highlights of the past week include: going house-shopping on the peninsula and being extremely well behaved, hanging out with cousins Nicholas, Tate, and Caleb a bunch, doing more tummy time, going to a new parents class (where it was clear he was the best sleeper of the bunch), and gaining good weight to tip the scales north of 10 lbs within his month birthday. We feel like we're getting into a nice groove with Miles which I'm sure any parent can tell you means a wild, unforeseen adventure is coming shortly.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Back to the Future

In an episode of Lost a character is sent to the past and encounters himself as a baby. I know exactly how he feels, looking at Miles is liking looking at pictures from 30 years ago. You can see Miles here on the left and his father on the upper right. Oh, and that character from Lost is also named Miles. Eerie.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy 21st Birthday! he can't start drinking yet. But Miles turns 21 days old today, so let's look at some numbers in his life:

12: since he was born right before bowl season and the NFL playoffs, this is how many football games Miles has watched with his dad so far. That works out to over 4000 by the time he's actually 21 years old. Hmm...I think we might have to slow down the pace of this. After this weekend of course.
250: at 12 per day, the approximate number of diapers he's gone through. Oops, as I type this I think we might have to up that number to 251.
168: at 8 per day, the number of feedings. Breaking this down, I think grandparents/aunts have been responsible for 20 of these feedings (with a bottle of formula) and Rosy has taken care of 147 more (which she can't enough credit for). I think I've done one and I ended up spilling the bottle all over him, so not sure if that counts.
0: number of 90210 episodes Miles has made it through without bawling hysterically or going to the bathroom.
4-5: hours of uninterrupted sleep which he can get on a good night, a pretty impressive performance for the little guy. Keep up the good work!
57: number of times his dad has told people "look at that head of hair" as I beam proudly.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Miles Leaves the Nest

Anticipating a big weekend for Miles, we gave him a nice bath on Friday night. And after two weeks, Miles was finally able to meet his cousins Tate and Caleb and his aunt Rachel. We headed down during the Packers playoff game and while we had a good time watching, Miles was crying after the tough overtime loss. Tate is here showing off the back of his Aaron Rodgers jersey and promised Miles he can wear it in 3 years for the 2012 season. Miles also went out for dinner a couple times this weekend, here he is tucked away in a booth at a sushi restaurant. Finally, after 9 months Rosy could eat some!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

8 Pound Baby!

We brought Miles in for a 2 week check-up today (ok, he's only 12 days old) and the good news is he's regained all of his birth weight and more, checking in at a hefty 8 lbs on the dot. This means all those painful feedings that mom gives him (not to mention the 3am ones) are paying off and we're thrilled that he put the weight back on.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

First Field Trips

With mom recovering and Miles getting a little stir-crazy from our place, we decided to venture out and see San Francisco this weekend. First we went to Day One and Laurel Heights and took this picture outside the bookstore. I foresee a long future of book reading between dad and son (both the classics and US Weekly). Then today we walked all the way to Fillmore Street and enjoyed the nice weather.